to market their site. This report offers you all the information you need to know to get
started with article marketing – today!
What is Article Marketing?
With Article Marketing you write and syndicate free reprint articles via article
directories, ezine editors, and announcement groups. A key element of Article
Marketing is the author resource box, which contains a short author bio and a link back
to the author's website. Through submitting free reprint articles that are picked up by
online publishers, a website owner can effectively build links, increase search engine
ranking, drive traffic to his website, and establish himself as an expert in his niche. Oh,
and with all that comes increased sales!
Anyone can do this--You do not have to be a SEO mastermind to become a black belt
at Article Marketing.
You don't even need to be a great writer! Article Marketing is done by regular everyday
people who want to drive traffic to their websites, increase their search engine
rankings, and establish themselves as experts in their fields without breaking the bank.
Article Marketing: So, How Does It Work?
In brief, I write and then distribute articles to various publishers on the Internet. When they publish them, this can lead to rapid traffic and sales growth on my web sites.
So how does this concept work?
Quite simply, ezine editors and web site owners are quite literally crying out for quality
content they can use.
For the ezine publisher, quality content is essential. It encourages their subscribers to
keep reading rather than unsubscribe, and ezines that are read are far more profitable
for the publishers, whether via advertising or other revenue streams.
For the web site owner, content equals traffic. It's that simple, the more content you
have, the more traffic you attract from the search engines, particularly engines like
Google which are content-crazy.
Content is what makes the web go round.
By simply providing the content that publishers can use in their ezines and on their
web sites, you can get your name all over the web rapidly, boost your credibility, bring
you large levels of traffic, and increase your sales levels.
Why Do People Do Article Marketing?
Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
You may be thinking, "Why would someone go to the trouble of writing an article, and
then submit it for free to online publishers? What do I get out of this?" Great question!
Trust me, there is method to the madness--you, as the author of the article, are getting
many things in return for providing "free" content. You are not receiving money directly
for the article (there is no one handing you a wad of cash in exchange for the article),
but you do receive three very important things that are massively valuable if you have
a website.
Article Marketing is a triple threat when it comes to benefiting your website:
1. Article Marketing builds links.
2. Article Marketing gets the word out about your website, bringing widespread
exposure and an increase in targeted traffic.
3. Article Marketing can help establish you as an expert in your niche and build
customer confidence.
Here's how it all works--Each time an author submits an article, he includes his
resource box. A resource box is a short author bio, which also includes a link back to
the author's website.
Every time a website owner decides to publish a free reprint article, he also includes
the author's resource box. So, every time the article is picked up for publication the
author's name and a link back to the author's website are published also.
In this way the author builds links and increases exposure for his website. The people
clicking through to his website will be doing so because they found his article helpful,
and since his article is on the same topic of his website the article generates targeted
Yes, you are letting publishers publish your articles for free, but that's the point. That is
what gets your article widespread distribution, builds links to your website, establishes
you as an expert in your field, and brings increasing exposure to your website.
How about this--instead of thinking of Article Marketing as writing articles for free,
think about it as letting other people market your website for free.

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