Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How to get consistent traffic to your blog automatically

Social bookmarks play vital role to drive traffic to a site or blog. These sites get huge traffic, roughly 20% of global traffic, billions of visitors read content from them. You have to use them effectively to get visits.

 There are thousands of bookmark sites, but not all are worth submission. Top 100 social sites are good for your traffic quality. If you can use these 100 sites, then you can be sure to get unlimited traffic. But to submit to 100 sites is not easy task, your whole day will be lost.

That's why automated submission sites are great to deal with it. You can use the best automation sites: Senuke

 Tags: consistent traffic, social bookmarking sites, Senuke, Onlywire, ImAutomated

Submit to top 5 RSS directories to get targeted traffic

RSS Stands for Really Simple Site Syndication which is used to submit new and updated blog information like recent published post, news headlines, audios, videos etc. People frequently checks for updates, so does search engines. Thus, rss feeds act a great source for traffic.

 Submit your feed to top 5 directories listed below:
1. Blog Digger
Google PR: 6 Alexa Rank: 27154

 2. Feedage
Google PR: 6 Alexa Rank: 4471 .

 3. Feedcat
Google PR: 6 Alexa Rank: 23010 .

 4. Plazoo
Google PR: 6 Alexa Rank: 25313

 5. RSS Network
Google PR: 6 Alexa Rank: 31104

 Keywords: Submit to top 5 RSS directories, RSS feeds

4 tricks to drive thousand uniques to latest blog post

How frequent you write for your blog, twice/thrice a week or more? You may noticed that all posts don't get similar traffic, some get few while some get insane hits. I'll show you how to drive thousand uniques to latest blog post using 4 quick tricks.

 1. Ping your last post. This will bring some instant traffic to your blog. I prefer Pingomatic and Pingoat.

2. Submit to RSS syndicators. Burn your RSS feed & submit to syndicators, you need to submit just once. They'll pick blog feeds automatically.

 3. Submit to content aggregators. is a leading aggregator that drives hundreds to enlisted blogs daily. Get listed.

 4. Share your post in Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Google plus and Enjoy instant visitors today.

 Tags: Instant submissions, Thousand uniques, Thousand unique visitors, Traffic, Blog post, Great post, RSS syndicator, Ping, content aggregators

How to get automatic traffic using top social bookmarking sites

Social bookmarks play vital role to drive traffic to a site or blog. These sites get huge traffic, roughly 20% of global traffic, billions of visitors read content from them. You have to use them effectively to get visits.

 There are thousands of bookmark sites, but not all are worth submission. Top 100 social sites are good for your traffic quality. If you can use these 100 sites, then you can be sure to get unlimited traffic. But to submit to 100 sites is not easy task, your whole day will be lost.

That's why automated submission sites are great to deal with it. You can use the best automation sites: Senuke

 Tags: consistent traffic, social bookmarking sites, Senuke, Onlywire, ImAutomated

Top 20 High PR Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites

Top 20 High PR Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites are very important for both linkbuilding and driving traffic. Use them wisely to boost your success.

 Top 20 Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites are: – 8 – 8 – 8 – 8 – 8 – 8 – 8 – 8 – 7 – 7 – 7 – 7 – 7 – 7 – 7 – 7 – 7 – 7 – 7 – 7 – 7

 Keywords: Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites, Top 20 list

Do you know these steps to run a successful social media campaign

Social media marketing is the largest marketplace presently. The four tribes - Facebook, Twitter, G+ & Linkedin grabs billions of viewers everyday. If you plan to run a business but overlook these media then you're kicking your head!

 To run a campaign, you have to:
 1. Post regular updates. Forget sales pitch or repeated tries to grab leads. Your audience will be bored & leave away. Be creative, share funny, entertaining things and corresponding updates.

 2. Interact with followers. This part is very important for a promoter. Learn to interact with them, ask questions, answer to their queries and get involved. Participate in conversation or comments and Retweet often.

 3. Raise waivers. People love waivers and you must use it to gain more clients. Try to run coupon, bonus, leaflets for your followers often. It will help you get more followers and act like word of mouth.

 Tags: social media marketing campaign, millions visitors, regular, waiver, award followers

SenukeX crack | Don't waste your time

SenukeX tool is a automated & handy solution to web promoters. Spammers highly enjoy Senuke tools to create huge backlinks with a few clicks. No work, no time, no effort, just a few clicks allow them to spam. Google too loved SenukeX links and pushed such pages to front page.

But it doesn't provide quality. Many readers claimed that recent search results can't bring out better, optimized results, most sites seem to be cloned & spammy.

 However, some guys offered SenukeX crack. But sadly they do not provide any crack, rather they advertise their own affiliatations. This one offered a free download & showed how to use crack. But downloaded file doesn't contain promised files. When clicked the download, it directs to a webpage where they offer their pay-per-install schemes to get the crack. Its complete waste of time. Don't fall for such stupid things. Keywords: SenukeX crack, pay-per-install, automated linkbuilding